Noelia Trujillo
Find out which items you’re better off leaving on the shelves the next time you’re at a hardware megastore.
Find out which items you’re better off leaving on the shelves the next time you’re at a hardware megastore.
Americans spent an estimated $16.16 billion on home renovations in the past year. Many of them borrowed the funds from friends and family, took out loans or paid with credit cards, so it’s important they save wherever they can, says Jennifer McDermott, consumer advocate for
“Wood is one item that comes in at a much cheaper price from a local lumber yard than at the hardware,” she says. “If you are buying big quantities the savings here can be quite significant.”

Many local home-improvement stores tuck away area rugs in their decor sections, and they also offer carpeting services. However, Debbie Gartner at The Flooring Girl suggests looking online for decorative carpet pieces. She says it’s likely these stores don’t dedicate enough space or financial resources to keeping those kinds of rugs on display or in inventory. You may have more luck finding the piece of your dreams in the color, shape and size you want on Amazon, Overstock, or Wayfair.

Household Batteries
If you’re buying your standard everyday AA, D, and other size batteries, chances are you would pay less for them at Walmart or Costco than at the hardware store

Tradesmen/Installation Services
Some home improvement stores offer trained workers to install appliances or even renovate for you. However, you might get more bang for your buck by sub-contracting directly versus having your hardware superstore manage the service.
When you pay for a project installation through a store, they usually take a cut of your money and subcontract to other businesses and tradesmen who do the work. Even those who are subcontracted may subcontract yet another person to do the work. By then, the quality of the service may not up to the price you’re paying.

Tools You Don’t Know How to Use
It feels great to decorate your kitchen, build a veggie garden or complete a home project. But taking on a task you’re not qualified to complete can be dangerous and wasteful, especially if you buy tools you don’t know how to use.
To avoid forking over money for hardware that may injure you and damage your home, know the ins and outs of your tools before you buy them. Your local hardware store or a friendly contractor can help.

Shipping Products
Packaging and materials for shipping freight are often more expensive and may be a lower quality at home improvement stores, says Therese Kerrigan, director of marketing communications at FreightCenter. “Lesser quality boxes may break during freight transportation, and subsequent damage claims may be denied because of the packaging,” she says.
Look online for better quality materials and pricing. Or at the least, check that the boxes at the hardware store are up to standard.

Cleaning Products
Though grabbing those Clorox wipes as you’re picking up gardening tools may seem convenient, don’t make it a habit. Consumer savings expert Andrea Woroch says you could end up paying five to 10 percent more for cleaning supplies at home improvement stores versus grabbing them at Walmart or bulk store.

Kitchen or Grill Accessories
Sometimes when you buy a grill or other major kitchen appliance, stores try to throw in a few spatulas, pans and accessories as part of the sale. These megastores stock may high-quality heavy-duty devices, but may not invest as much in the best quality accessories to go with them.

Smoke or Carbon Monoxide Detectors
“Store-bought smoke detectors are generally inexpensive because they use a technology called ‘Ionization’ smoke detection,” says Maxwell (who goes by the single name), co-founder of TrueSecurity. “This form of smoke detection causes many false alarms, and, more importantly, can miss fires entirely.”
Also, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors from a hardware store typically don’t alert authorities in times of crisis. That’s especially important if you ever have a carbon monoxide leak, as these can quickly incapacitate you.

Major Appliances
Cyber Monday isn’t the only time you can score mega-deals online. There are hundreds of discounts, coupons and deals happening online every day.
Home improvement stores are no different. Shoppers who see a product they want in the store might be tempted to buy it on the spot, but that same product might be discounted on the store’s website with free delivery or pick-up in store options. It’s always worth taking a look online, especially for the more expensive appliances, before making a final purchase.