Don’t throw out that clutter quite yet! Make sure to check if those items can be reused with this list before dumping it in the trash.
You may strive to live out “reduce, reuse, recycle” in your home, but you may have some signals crossed when it comes to determining what may be recycled or reused again. For example, how about that takeout pizza box? It is not recyclable. But that used baby diaper most emphatically is not!
Although there are many products that cannot be recycled, you may be surprised to learn which home objects can be reused. So, the next time you start decluttering, keep this list available.
They may be small, but those crayons are clogging up our landfills at a rapid rate. Every year over half a million pounds of crayons are thrown away. Since crayons never biodegrade, that waxy sludge becomes quite a problem within our landfills. Instead, send those crayons over to The Crayon Initiative. They melt down the crayon and remanufacture them, sending them off to art programs at children’s hospitals across the United States.

Prescription drugs
Although the common way to deal with leftover prescription drugs is to throw them away, there are other ways you can safely dispose of them without filling landfills. The Drug Enforcement Administration actually hosts a National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day multiple times a year. Simply find a collection center near you and give back what you didn’t use. However, some drugs could actually be harmful to others. If the directions say to flush the remaining drugs, you should do that.

Wine corks
You can easily recycle that wine bottle, but what about the cork? Yes, you can compost corks, but why not send it over to a company using those corks to make recycled products?
Sports equipment
No longer need those old tennis balls, baseball gloves, or even that yoga mat? Play It Again Sports will buy your old sporting equipment to be sold for others to use as well. You can also donate your old yoga mats to Sanuk, who will use them to make comfortable flip-flops.
Did you know that every single toothbrush you’ve ever used still exists on this earth? It takes centuries for a piece of plastic to fully decompose, and toothbrushes are no exception. Instead, you can recycle your toothbrushes through Terracycle. They are partnering with Colgate to recycle all oral care products including toothpaste tubes and floss, which also comes in plastic.

Did you know that 300,000,000 pairs of shoes are thrown out every year? Don’t throw them in landfills—give them to someone who really needs them through Wearable Collections. Request a bin and host a drive!

Foam packaging
Between takeout containers and coffee cups, foam tends to be a staple in daily life. You can set up foam recycling at your home, as well as local schools or buildings, but sign up through Home for Foam.
Beauty products
Along with offering ways to recycle your oral products, Terracycle offers recycling for products involving skin care, hair care, and cosmetic packaging.

Holiday lights
Have you ever plugged in those old holiday lights, only to find that half of the strand isn’t even working? Don’t throw them away! Send them off to Holiday LEDS where they will recycle the products within the lights. Plus if you recycle your lights, they will give you a discount to buy new lights!

Computers & phones
These tech pieces are full of recyclable materials that can easily be reused in another product. Computers and phones can either be reused for other purposes or go through mechanical shredding for those usable metals.

Ink/toner cartridges
Over 350 million ink cartridges are sent to landfills every single year. That’s a lot of waste that could easily be avoided. Instead, try buying a printer cartridge refill kit or simply find a drop-off center for recycling these types of products.
Why throw away those glasses when someone in need could be using them? Donate your glasses to the Lions Club where a pair of eyeglasses are recycled and reused.