Use lemon juice or baking soda to get rid of underarm stains on your clothes.

Place a sweater in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and it won’t get tangled or crumpled up

You can get rid of static electricity on your clothing by wiping it with the underside of an ordinary tissue

Slightly crumpled clothing can be made smooth by using hair straighteners

Get rid of foundation stains on light clothing by using shaving foam

Stretch narrow shoes to fit your feet using the following method: Pour some water into resealable plastic bags, place them carefully inside the shoes, and put them in the freezer overnight

To get rid of a stain caused by red wine, pour on some white wine, and then sprinkle baking soda on top of that. Leave for 2-3 hours then wash off

To avoid getting blisters from new flat shoes, put on some thick socks and then the shoes. Blow-dry the area where the shoes feel tight for a few minutes. Repeat several times

To prevent knee-length boots from losing their original shape, place old magazines inside them

To keep your shirt tucked in all day make a pleat at the side of each hip. Use your thumb and index finger to “pinch” towards the back any excess fabric from the side seams

Place old magazines inside knee-length boots to keep them from losing their original shape.

To make a leather coat softer, get it wet by walking around in it when it’s raining

You can fix weakened glasses frames by using nail varnish

Use a razor to remove fuzz from a sweater

You can use an ordinary graphite pencil to fix a broken zipper. Simply rub the graphite part over the teeth of the zipper to get it moving again

Mix together detergent and baking soda in a bowl. Use an old toothbrush to wipe the solution onto the white soles of trainers and converse shoes. This will help keep them clean