Optical illusion: how many faces can you find in this image?
What is behind the phenomenon of optical illusion? Even when we think our eyes are focusing on a certain point, they move quickly and imperceptibly from one side to the other. They “capture” separate elements, which the brain then interprets as an image that makes some sense to us.
At the same time, our brains can also make mistakes and be fooled by familiar patterns and experience. Many of us perceive a cloud floating above our heads as resembling, say, an animal silhouette or a human face. Another person might see something else.
Set the timer for 20 seconds and let’s go! This is no ordinary picture of trees. The branches are intertwined in a strange way and hide several human faces. Can you find them all?
We’re sure you found all the hidden faces in the illustration in no time. Time to check if you got them all right.
Optical illusions are fun because they allow you to see ordinary things from a different perspective. Did you manage to find all the hidden faces in our illustration? How long did it take you? Share your results with us!
As always, if you couldn’t find all the faces in the illustration, we’ll give you the solution at the end of the post. Can you beat this incredible viral challenge before the deadline? Take part and show that your skills are second to none!