We’ve all been in a bind at some point in our lives. Like when you have to go out and your favorite jacket’s zipper comes off and you have nothing else to wear. Or when you’re waiting for your date in a restaurant and realize you have bad breath and no gum. It’s a sinking sensation.
Use a fork to fix zipper tabs that have come off
We can’t function without zippers. But every now and then, the zip tabs come undone. As long as the zip is not distorted and the zipper tab is not broken, there is a simple trick to fix this.

To get rid of bad breath, gargle with salt water
Salt water is an excellent bacteria slayer and can be used to combat bacteria in the mouth. It’s inexpensive and easily accessible, and you can use it as a quick fix if you’re out and about and have bad breath. Gargle with a sachet or half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of tepid water. It can also improve oral health and relieve respiratory tract irritation as a side effect.

Remove a stubborn splinter with craft glue
If you have a painful splinter that won’t tweeze out, reach for some glue. Make sure it’s a good brand of craft glue, the white one, that tends to dry and peel off from the skin. Pour a generous amount where the splinter is and wait for it to dry. Peel it off and the splinter is likely to come out with it, easing your discomfort.

Use diluted mouthwash to bust dandruff
In a bind with dandruff in your hair but no anti-dandruff shampoo? Zap dandruff by first shampooing with any shampoo you have. Then, dilute mouthwash with water, at least in a 50:50 ratio, and pour it on your scalp. Massage a little and let it stay for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Afterward, condition the hair because the alcohol in the mouthwash can dry out your strands.
Remember that this is more of a one-time hack than an everyday one because mouthwash can dry out hair.

Tighten loose screws by applying nail polish on the threads
Sometimes, screws just don’t want to stay put. An easy hack, to make sure they do stay in place, is to paint the grooves of the screw with nail polish. Clear nail polish will ensure that there are no unsightly marks but you can use any color you have. Let it dry a bit and then screw it in for a handy solution.

Remove rust from tools by rubbing them with a potato
Potatoes contain oxalic acid, which is a natural cleaner. A potato mixed with baking soda or dish soap can be used to remove rust from tools. Slice a potato, dunk it in baking soda or dish soap to increase the abrasive action, and rub the rusted areas. If the potato becomes slick, cut a chunk off and repeat to get tools that are nearly as good as new.

Clean crayon marks from walls with a little mayonnaise
If your little one has doodled all over your wall with crayons, the solution most likely lies in your fridge, in a bottle of mayonnaise. Of course, like all hacks, it’s best to test out what effect mayo might have on your walls by trying out a small patch. If the paint does not react to the mayonnaise, put some on a soft cloth and rub the crayon marks with it to watch them disappear.
The oils in the mayonnaise break down the wax in the crayons and pull the marks off, without disturbing the paint.

Try the military method to train yourself to sleep in 2 minutes
There’s a routine created by the military that’s been proven to help pilots fall asleep in 2 minutes, or even less, although it does take a bit of getting used to.
These are the steps to follow.
1. Relax your face, especially your mouth.
2. Drop your shoulders and let your hands drop to the sides as if they have no bones.
3. Exhale and relax your body, beginning with your chest, legs, thighs, and calves.
4. Clear your mind by imagining a peaceful scene. If you can’t, repeat the words “don’t think” over and over for 10 seconds.
5. In the next 10 seconds, you should fall asleep

Dab smelly armpits with lemon juice or vinegar
Another awkward situation is when you have to go out in public with friends or acquaintances and realize you have BO, as in smelly armpits. Not everyone remembers to bring deodorant or perfume with them. So, squeezing some lemon juice or vinegar onto a tissue and dabbing your armpits with it is a simple trick.

Lemon will work best and give off a citrusy scent but even plain white vinegar will do the trick.
Heal shaving nicks and cuts with lip balm
Shaving nicks are not only unsightly, but also extremely painful. Chapstick or lip balm can come in handy if you don’t have an antiseptic or a shaving nick roller on hand. You’d need an unused one, or you could scrape off the top layer that has come into contact with your lips — just to make sure it’s bacteria-free.
Apply it to your nick and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then, gently wipe it away. It will help the skin heal faster by locking in moisture.

Hold a nail with a bobby pin to avoid accidents
It’s easy to miss the nail and hit your thumb with the hammer instead. And it’s painful. So the next time you need to hammer in a thin nail, use a bobby pin to secure it. Once the nail is partly in, you can remove the hair accessory and continue to hammer it in completely, keeping your thumbs and fingers safe.
Soothe insect bites with Epsom salt or baking soda paste
Bee stings are not only painful, for some, but they can also trigger an allergy. So if your discomfort is intense and spreading, seek medical help immediately. If all you have is localized pain and tenderness, you can alleviate it with Epsom salt or baking soda. Make a paste with water (using either) and apply it where you were stung.