Using these simple, practical techniques for refreshing the air in every room of your home, you may eliminate odors naturally.
By Andréana Lefton
Your Nose Knows
According to new research, humans’ sense of smell is more powerful and subtle than we may imagine, even when compared to super-sniffers like dogs. That means the air we breathe at home can have a significant emotional and physical impact on us. You can improve your attitude and energy level by freshening the air. The wonderful part is that all it takes to energize the air is one simple, natural, and inexpensive ingredient: baking soda. Baking soda, on its alone or in combination with a few other components, can neutralize unpleasant aromas and improve the olfactory quality of your home. So, follow your nose to these quick recipes and procedures and take pleasure in every breath you breathe!

Twist of Lemon
According to a study, citrus fragrances such as lemon may improve your mood. Lemony aromas are also connected with clean, bright environments. In a 4-ounce mason jar, combine half a cup of baking soda and 15 drops of lemon essential oil for a lemony freshness. Place a basket-style paper coffee filter on top of the jar opening and tighten the jar ring securely around it (leaving off the lid). Jennifer Lane, a licensed aromatherapist, uses this mood-enhancing air freshener throughout her home, particularly in bathrooms, the kitchen, and even the refrigerator.

Deep Clean
If the air in your bathroom or kitchen is less than sparkling, consider the source. While deodorizing the air can help, cleaning sinks, disposals, and drains can offer a longer-term odor-busting solution. Sprinkle baking soda liberally inside your stainless steel sink, scrub with a sponge, then pour white vinegar over the surface. The chemical reaction will break up any remaining residue and scum. Plus it will give your drain and disposal a deep clean. For porcelain sinks, use hydrogen peroxide instead of vinegar.

Herbal Essence
The Homemade Experiment provided this recipe for an all-natural, all-purpose air freshener. 1 cup baking soda + 15 drops essential oil in a mason jar Choose oils that are very refreshing, such as citrus, peppermint, pine, or lavender. 1 teaspoon dried herbs, such as rosemary, lavender, or mint Close the lid and give it a good shake. Put a small dish of this mixture in any room that needs to be deodorized.

Scent-sational Spray
Instead of disguising odors with strongly perfumed scents, use Somewhat Simple’s gently scented baking soda spray. Combine one tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil in a small dish—cinnamon or clove oil are especially appropriate for fall and winter. Pour into a big spray bottle after fully mixing. Fill with water and shake vigorously. Use as a room spray or on furniture, clothing, and shoes…anywhere that has a nasty odor.

Pretty Sweet
Try this Natural Fit Foodie recipe for a great-looking air freshener that’s free of chemicals (including the phthalates present in many commercial air fresheners). In a sterilized glass container, combine several drops of your preferred essential oil with baking soda. Cover the aperture with a square of burlap and attach it with a lovely ribbon around the rim. (Tip: For more power, add a few extra drops of essential oil to the underside of the burlap.) If burlap isn’t your style, try this cloth lid cover from Smashed Peas and Carrots.

That Fresh-Baked Scent
Whether entertaining guests or staging your home to sell, smell matters. Real estate experts often advise homeowners to sweeten their indoor air with scents that have a universal appeal. Avoid heavy perfumes and florals, and go for lighter, botanical notes like lavender, grapefruit, or ever-popular vanilla. Mix half a cup of baking soda with a few drops of vanilla extract in a jar and place on a windowsill, so the sun can release the fragrance as it warms. No need to make cookies to get that fresh-baked scent!

Easy Breezy
Good news for anyone who doesn’t care for essential oils or is sensitive to odors in general:. Baking soda all by itself can effectively freshen your home. Simply pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into uncovered dishes and place strategically around your homes, such as near the trash can, stove, or toilet, and preferably elevated, so they won’t tip over or tempt kids or pets. Be patient: While baking soda can absorb heavy smells like burnt, fried, and spoiled food, it can take several days to make a noticeable difference.

Just Add Water
A pressure cooker has many uses, one of which is purifying the air. Try this Lifehacker formula: Fill your crock pot or Instant Pot half-full with water and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Turn the heat on low, and keep the lid off. You can easily place this DIY air purifier/humidifier in your kitchen, but don’t feel confined—use it in the bedroom or even the basement to banish musty smells. Just make sure the pressure cooker is monitored, and never leave the home (or the vicinity) while it’s still plugged in.

Sprinkle, Sprinkle
Cooking odors, body odor, and pet dander may all settle into fabric and furniture, but baking soda can readily deodorize drapes, upholstery, and carpets. A cup of baking soda and 30 to 40 drops of essential oil should be combined. Consider oregano oil, which has antibacterial characteristics, but avoid tree oil if you have pets because it is poisonous to them. Allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes or overnight on fabric surfaces, including carpets. Vacuum up the baking soda mixture, as well as the foul odors.