Headaches are never welcome whether you work from home or in an office. Surprisingly, strong winds or even your bra can cause headaches. You might be surprised to learn that headaches can be passed down through families. This means that if one of your parents gets headaches on a regular basis, you have a 50% chance of getting them as well.
Dim the lights
Bright lights and glare can trigger headaches — you can avoid this by either turning some lights off or pulling the curtains on your window. If you can’t do this, try using sunglasses with or without polarized lenses.

Avoid strong scents
Fragrances, cleaning products, or your colleagues’ strong perfume might result in a headache. To skip this, open the windows for a few minutes or use a fan to deflect the strong odor away from you.

Hydrate and don’t skip meals.
When you are dehydrated, because of fluid loss, your brain can contract, leading to headaches. To counteract this, grab a glass or 2 of water and take small sips. Pair this with a healthy, nutritious meal and say goodbye to your headache. If you are on the go, make sure you bring a water bottle and a sweet snack everywhere you go.

Ditch the chewing gum
Surprisingly, this colorful, sweet, and sticky snack might be the reason you’re suffering. Chewing gum causes jaw tension and pressure on your most used joint. The best thing to do is ditch the chewing gum, as well as any other sticky, hard-to-chew foods.

Loosen up your hair
If your hair is up in a tight ponytail or if you have some French or Dutch braids, give your hair a break — these can cause painful headaches. Let your hair down and allow your scalp to relax. Your headache will be gone in no time.

Eat some ginger or brew yourself some ginger tea
Ginger is known to provide pain relief. You can consume it in multiple forms — fresh or processed. If you’re in an office, the easiest way is to brew ginger tea. Bring some tea bags and keep them in your drawer for the next time you’ll need them.

Make sure you’re sitting in a comfortable position
Make sure you’re comfortable whenever you’re sitting at your desk. Sit up straight, support your back, keep your arms parallel to your thighs, and keep your feet on the ground. Try to position your screen so that your eyes are looking straight ahead rather than down. Last but not least, when you’re on the phone, don’t keep your phone between your head and shoulder. Instead, invest in a headset or Bluetooth earbuds.

Take a 15-minute power nap
In a small medical study, 81% of participants reported that going to sleep was the most effective pain-relief strategy. When nothing else works, try to take a 15-minute nap. If you have more time, just use it and take a long catnap.